
The Oxfordshire Museum

Saturday we spent the day out with friends to celebrate Roo’s 2nd Birthday at the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock. Not that he’ll remember anyway but i think he had fun.

The Oxfordshire Museum has been on my list to visit for a while. My fear of parking combined with the general knowledge that Woodstock is shit for parking has put me off though. Luckily the Husbeast was driving today though because the parking was shite!


There is no designated parking for the museum but if you’re lucky you can find a spot in the car park in the town. It might be quieter during the week. We however had shit all chance. 

Our friends found parking (if that’s what you call it) down a tiny street but we didn’t want to risk scratching ours any more than i already do so we parked a short hike away down a wider street. 

Oxfordshire musuem

I get that this might piss off the local residents but i’m not sure what else we were supposed to do. Just be careful don’t block any drives and try to use some common sense. 

Thankfully it wasn’t raining like we thought it was but it had been so the kids loved jumping in every single puddle the whole way. Our kids take the piss more when they’re around other people. They know they can push us a little further, They can sense that our threats of taking them home are empty. 

Easy to find

Right back to The Oxfordshire museum. Its in the village centre and has lots of other things to do in the area too so you should be able to make a full day of it. 

You’ll be happy to know its FREE whoop whoop. 

When you first go in you’ll be straight into the little shop. Cue trying to stop the kids from mauling every toy in sight. Once they realization hit that they were getting fuck all from the shop they moved on. 

The entrance to the museum is on the left. The staff were friendly and helpful. They also had a slight look of fear as the 12 of us engulfed the lobby area. 

Trails and backpacks 

Next to the entrance you’ll find a really cool stand full of bags. These bags are full of exploring kits. Each one slightly different and containing things like magnifying glasses and torches etc. There are also lots of trails to pick up for activities to do around the museum. All of these things were also free. 

So far so good the kids seemed happy and off they went into the first room. 

Thankfully the museum was quiet when our group rocked up they took over. Lots of interactive bits for the kids to keep them interested. The draws seemed like a big hit. Obviously Elliot had to be the one to trap the birthday boys finger in the bloody draw though. (Not on purpose though he actually like’s Roo) 

Ill be honest i don’t think any of the kids actually did a trail. The packs were used lots by the younger ones and Roo’s sister (Maybe its a girl thing?) The older boys were off in their own world.

Interactive fun 

There are a few little rooms scattered around and every one of them had lots of interesting things for kids to do. They all loved it. You don’t need to worry about your kids being bored here there really is something for most ages. 

The room after the stuffed animals was packed to the brim with activities. They even had a lovely little book corner with seats, Dressing up (creepy vintage animal dress up) puppets, Draws filled with lots of activities and a short film section. 

Again lots of fun to be had here. We had 6 kids today though so there wasn’t much chance of sitting down quietly and taking it all in. I can tell if you go with your kids though there will be plenty of time for that. 

The next room was my favourite room and probably the kids favourite too.

The dinosaur room

The dinosaur room is cool. Its small but wow they have utilized the space well. You’ll find dinosaurs that you can feed one which makes noises when you do, A video, a dinosaur dressing up closet, a puppet theater, Puzzles, toys and lots of interesting facts. 

The kids spent lots of time in here playing with everything. 

While the weather was holding out we decided to head outside to their garden area. Its a really lovely space and the kids were in their element. 

Roo’s sister was off with her magnifying glass looking for bugs and flowers. Elliot was spotting the dinosaur cards in amongst the flower beds and Clark was running off playing chase somewhere. 


The Garden area is enclosed (as far as i could see) It also shares a space with the soldiers of oxford museum. Were saving that for another day but you could easily do them both. 

In the corner of the garden you’ll see their dinosaur space. Again the kids loved it. Running round the bamboo mazes ( not actual mazes but that what Clark called them) and running from the huge dinosaur (Elliot) 

This was a perfect opportunity for the adults to grab some hot drinks and sit round the numerous benches and tables outside while the kids rolled down the hill and got more filthy. 

Out came the cakes 🙂 i loveeee cake. The kids swarmed and had a bit of a break before resuming their game of chase. 


Apart from the hot drinks we didn’t use the cafe but it looked really nice and a perfect place to stop for lunch while you’re at the Oxfordshire museum. (Another review for another day) 

I would also say they allow picnics outside as i didn’t see anything stating otherwise but you might need to check that out first as i cant be sure. 

Even if you don’t need a wee you should definitely go hand out by the toilets. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to encourage you to perve but the map on the walls by the toilets is great. Lots of little doors with hidden things behind. Some of the handles are cars and buses. Me and Elliot were impressed anyway. 

As it was lunch we all decided to go to Sturdy’s castle for lunch. I think it might have been difficult to fit the 12 of us in the cafe all at once anyway. 

The Oxfordshire museum stats: 

Distance from Bicester:   25mins
Sat nav: 14 Park St, Woodstock OX20 1SW Click address to load navigation. 
Wheelchair friendly: Yes 
Equipment upkeep: 8/10 some bits were broken when we visited
Cleanliness: 10/10
Facilities: 10/10
Age range: All ages 
Safety: 9/10
Fun factor: 10/10 
Dog friendly: No
Parking: No designated car park but try local car park and streets 
Entry: Free 


I don’t think we got to see all of the museum but what we did see was brilliant and has made me want to go back with Elliot again. It’ll be nice to explore more just one on one and check out the cafe and other museum too. 

I was really impressed with the Oxfordshire museum and i think its a brilliant way to have a completely free day if you want. Its accessible via public transport and its educational too. I loved that it was quiet on the weekend so don’t worry too much about not being able to see anything. 

Its small but you can spend a good few hours here taking it all in. Even if you only spend an hour it’ll be a good hour and the kids will have fun. 

Its also really close to Blenheim too so you really can make a full day of it at the Oxfordshire museum if you couple it up with other activities in the area. 


They quite often have family activities on from craft days to harry potter themed activities so its well worth checking out the Oxfordshire museum Facebook page too HERE

They aren’t open on Mondays unless its a bank holiday and are only open from 2-5pm on Sundays you can check out more on their website HERE

For more museum reviews from the family ticket check HERE

Family Ticket

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