Let’s go for a walk she said, there’s a really cool waterfall she said, nanny and grandad are coming too she said.
Approximately 30 mins later she realised she’d fucked up. Ceunant Llennyrch Nature Reserve is not for the feint hearted.
Ceunant Llennyrch Nature Reserve
After this stroll in North Wales “stroll” Bear Grylls can suck my D**k. 3.8km doesn’t sound like a lot but when you’re lost because the signage is utter wank and the path is basically vertical while wondering if your recently retired dad will die from a heart attack from the physical exertion or if you’ll pack in first because you’re a pro cake eater let me tell you it’s fucking hard.
We’re an absolute advertisement for “some of the gear and fuck all idea”. When I say some of the gear the only things we didn’t bring was water (Who needs to rehydrate right). If it got bad though we’d have sucked the water from the off the moss on the trees.
If Mt Etna And Indiana Jones Had A Baby
The kids were more or less crying from the off. Clark doesn’t like to move further than the toilet and fridge these days and Elliot’s new walking boots were grating his skin off so he couldn’t fecking walk. Long gone were my thoughts of a peaceful walk through the tranquil woodlands of North Wales
It turned into one of those walks where were all like nahhh we can’t turn back now we’ve come up so far it must loop down soon. WE WERE WRONG! every god dam cocking turn there was another slope up. The Only saving grace was that it wasn’t pissing it down and I’d just eaten 2 slabs of mulled apple slice with ice cream (bloody delicious btw) so I wasn’t going to Starve.
Finally we found the down!!!…….along with all the trees that found the down in the storms making around 70% of the paths blocked and or destroyed. It was like a real life ninja warrior course up a sodding mountain. The paths were already narrow but the sheer drops were arse wrenchingly petrifying. I held on to Elliot at all times. By this point Clark had found his inner Tarzan and had fucked off ahead leading the way with nanny.
Not going to lie it was one of the most dangerous yet most beautiful walks we’ve ever been on. The place was littered with waterfalls and caves. It was like something straight out of Tolkiens ball sack.
Finding The Waterfall
I Eventually found the main waterfall which was the whole point in me dragging everyone round. The kids had fucked off with the grandparents to try and find the route back so I was left on my tod trying to decided whether to scale down the rock face so see the bastard thing. Well there was no way I wasn’t going to get the photo. I had to slide down and rock climb back up. There’s shite all chance the kids would have made it anyway let alone me mum and dad. It was however unbelievably stunning and completely untouched or at least it looked that way. Not a single person in sight.
With everyone else fucked off and me rock climbing up a mountain on my lonesome I had flash backs to that TV show 999, where stupid cake eating blogger plummets to her death just for a photo of a fucking waterfall. I could see the headlines on Facebook and everyone commenting what an absolute tool I was going down there totally unprepared.
Anyway I didn’t die. There were a few more scary moments on the way back including my dad falling on Elliot and managing to avoid the sheer drop but was all good.

The kids ended up loving Ceunant Llennyrch Nature Reserve despite how long it took. Elliot refused help because he was a “ninja” but at times I gave him the look and he knew to hold on.
I’m not sure if I’d ever go back. I would never recommend any of you head here mostly because I’ve fuck all idea where here even was. If you’re a pro though and not with the kids or grandparents or maybe you want to kill off your spouse and pin it as an accident then 100% head here. It’s perfect!!
We parked in a lay by then walked along to the nuclear decommissioning site (not a joke). Then over the bridge on the left. Follow the red route of you dare.
For More days out in North wales click